桌上型 RP 机美金15,000有找

I have long felt that desktop RP was to 3-D product design as desktop laser
printing was to 2-D graphics design. Like graphics design, 3-D product
design would only really take off, when you could print a proof at your

Sure, 3-D WYSIWYG is also a key part of the solution, but we are there now.
With all the new near realtime renderers it is nearly impossible to tell a
rendering from a photo.

One of the last big barriers to an explosion in 3-D design has been
affordable desktop 3-D printing. The new uPrint Personal 3D Printer from
Dimension breaks that barrier.

Of course, as soon as you finish setting up your uPrint Printer, you will be
able to print directly to it from Rhino.
Learn more…
