Grasshopper 0.50092 for Rhino 4.0 开放下载,这个版本是一个小改版,包含许多新功能与改善:
- Setting a Graph back to None did not cause an update, this is fixed.
- Graph mapper objects with no graphs failed to read back in. This is fixed.
- Transformations that do not maintain similarity now properly deform non-deformable geometry types (circles, arcs and boxes become Nurbs curves and BReps respectively). This is fixed.
- Orient transformation had a bug which resulted in erroneous mappings for some input cases, this is fixed.
- EvaluateCurve component has an extra output for curve span length.
- Curve divisions components have been moved into a separate category.
- CurveFrame component
- CurveHozirontalFrame component
- CurvePerpendicularFrame component