新Neon Beta 9开放下载!
– 整合Brazil SDK 1.1 Beta 10。许多优化及修正。
– 动态拖曳效能改善。
– Fixed shadow matte using the wrong background when display or brazil overrides are active.
– Fixed enabling the Sun or the RDK skylight adding the light to the scene when active lighting method is not “Scene Lighting”.
– Fixed moving an object with a custom render mesh causing an error condition “Primitive instance not found” when the custom render mesh and regular render mesh count was different.
– Fixed Brazil GI Skylight turning on when active lighting method is not “Scene Lighting”.
– Beta expiry warning doesn’t pop under the splash screen
– Old files (written prior to January 2012) can be written to.
– Detail viewports were not supported.
– The name of the Neon mode is now “Raytraced with Neon” to avoid problems with command line input.